Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Te Reo Maori

In week 4 Te Ngahere have been learning about how to ask a question and answer a question in Te Reo Maori. One of the words I learnt was rapa which is a rubber and I found it hard because of the way I was pronouncing some of the words. When I finished learning about that my buddy Kaitlin and I made a slideshow asking each other a question and answering the question. We had to take photos of 10 items in the class room off the ipad. Then we had to add it to our slideshow and add speech bubbles asking and answering the question. After that we had to screencastify the slideshow while were talking over it.

Monday, August 26, 2019

Before Cross Country

This Friday week 6, all of Paihia School students are competing in the Paihia School cross country at Bledisloe Domain. We have been practicing most days at school on our field. I am so impressed with my time because last week on Monday my time was 13.55 and on Tuesday I got 13.40. I’m looking forward to this Friday and I can’t wait because I really like cross country.

Friday, August 23, 2019

Energise - Whaea Gina

On Week 5 Whaea Gina from project energise came to Paihia School. What I learnt was what foods are healthy and unhealthy. Their was 2 groups, one group was the healthy option and the second group was unhealthy. What we had to do was put the unhealthy foods underneath the subtitle unhealthy. We also had to do the same with the healthy food. After that we got into three groups and had a race. We had bags with photos of food and subtitles. So what we had to do was lay out the subtitles and photos on the ground and put the healthy foods underneath the subtitle. I really enjoyed it and can’t wait for our last lesson making hummus.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

With Whaea Gina

Last Monday Te Ngahere went to the whare to learn about healthy food. I was learning what was the right category of food we need and don’t need in our body system. We had these paper signs that say vegetables, fruit, meat or meat alternatives, grains and wheat. What we had to match the fake food with the right category. I learned that you can get protein from meat and some vegetables products.

Friday, August 9, 2019

Science Fair

Last term in week 7 Te Ngahere have been learning all about science. My buddy and I’s question for science is does warm cheese rot faster than cold cheese? We chose this question because my brother leaves the cheese out for 1 hour until he comes out of his room and I’m trying to tell him that, that's disgusting. We are going to test the cheese with a petri dish. The reason why we have been doing science is because its science fair next week.

Here's my presention