Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Maths DLO

Self portraits

On the 16th Of april Te Ngahere students got to create self portraits. We got to make some cool digital art at home on our devices. What we had to do was add a photo of ourselves on a google drawing showing our hair, face and shoulders. Then we had to use scribble to draw around our head, neck, shoulders, mouth, nose and hair. Once we were done we had to delete our photo we added and add a bit more detail to the lines backgrounds and colour. Then as we finished we ended up with a cool creative art made by ourselves which was really cool. I really liked the finished product because it looks so like yourself with wonderful colours. I also didn’t care what my art looked like because it was my first go and I was giving it a go.

Finished product

Friday, April 17, 2020

Summer learning journey

Summer learning journey
On the 15th of April some students in Te Ngahere had to pick a country to describe a country with some facts and had to say why they picked the country. The country I chosen was Japan Because I thought it was a safe place for visitors to go and to learn something different than New Zealand. Then I had to research on google 3 interesting facts about Japan and write down the ones I would prefer. The 3 facts I have chosen was Japan has more than 1500 earthquakes a year, Japan has the lowest worlds crime rates and in work your allowed to take fast naps. Then we had a bonus activity which you had to write a letter to someone about you going on a little holiday to the place you have chosen. Next time I’m going to challenge myself by doing most of the bonus activities because its extra work and fun.