Report on my NZ export product
In Social Studies this term we were told to research a New Zealand export product and we were to find out were in the world it is sold and who made it also how many shops it has around the world. The product I researched was liquor land I found out that the company liquor land was that New Zealand was the only country that has the company liquor land. I also found out that there are only (100) liquor land stores in new Zealand which is bizarre as I thought there were way more. Another thing I also found out was that the early Egyptians were the one that thought of liquor land with is quite cool. Here is my map my buddy & I created with all the liquor land locations and my understanding of what these phrase mean.Economy - My understanding of this topic is factory all over the country creating things humans need and trading those products to good service stores for us humans to pay for. So the factors are producers and humans are consumers because we as humans trade money for products the producers create. Trade - My understanding of this topic is giving and receiving good service products or buying and selling products. Trade is another way for saying enhance, swap and replace.
Globalisation - My understanding of this topic is to describe the growing interdependence of the worlds economies, cultures and population across the world. So this topic is growth on a worldwide scale